As a professional acupuncturist you can expect to undergo a standard DBS check when you begin training. During registration with professional bodies such as The British Acupuncture Society and The Acupuncture Society, you should be able to provide evidence that you do not have a criminal record so a DBS check will prove invaluable.
A standard DBS check for an acupuncturist requires a search for any unspent or spent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings in existence on the Police National Computer.
As a holistic healthcare provider, acupuncturists can sometimes be unsure about the type of CRB check they need.
Although acupuncturists work with the public, a standard DBS check for an acupuncturist will be sufficient because acupuncturists are not regulated health care professionals and do not provide hands on personal care.
Other regulated health care professionals must have an enhanced DBS check. However, if you received a referral from a GP or regulated healthcare professional you could be liable to undergo an Enhanced DBS check.
Regulated healthcare providers who undergo an enhanced DBS check will have searches carried out to verify whether they have any unspent or spent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings in existence.
Enhanced DBS checks for regulated healthcare professionals also involve the collection of any further non-conviction information from relevant police forces. If the enhanced check also includes barred lists, the children’s barred list and/ or the vulnerable adults barred list will also be searched.
As a holistic practitioner, in most cases you won’t need this level of DBS check to carry out your role so a standard check will be enough. Read on to find out more about different types of DBS checks and online applications for basic DBS checks.