Getting your first DBS check is just the start of the process though, as you might have to repeat the checks every few years. In certain industries, regular DBS checks are legally required. For example, employees in healthcare, education, and finance must undergo regular checks to comply with legal obligations.
Students, Industry placements and DBS Checks
There is often confusion about whether the student needs a DBS check if they are only there one day a week, or whether the other people in the office need to have a check to work with the student or young person.
Enhanced DBS Checks for Nannies
For nannies and governesses, the Enhanced DBS check is required due to the nature of the role involving children. This is a cornerstone of safeguarding, and makes sure that people working with children are properly checked out. Individuals can’t ask for an enhanced disclosure on themselves though, so normally this is organised through the nanny or employment agency.
Why Is My DBS Check Stuck at Stage 4?
There are many reasons why a DBS check may appear to get stuck at Stage 4, but the most common are multiple names, police delays and multiple previous addresses. You might not have control over how quickly things happen when the DBS starts processing, but you can do your bit by making sure that you give them all of the information they need.
Are You Eligible For A Free DBS Check
Navigating the world of DBS checks is complicated, and although some people qualify for free disclosure checks, not all workers will. If you are taking a voluntary position which you will not be paid for, then you should qualify for a free DBS check. Charities don’t pay DBS fees for processing volunteer checks, but may have to pay if they are applying for a check for a paid member of staff.
DBS Checks for Christmas Workers
If you're looking to do postal work, even on a temporary basis, you will typically need to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check as part of the hiring process. For postal workers, a Basic DBS check is typically required, unless you are involved in higher security services, such as screening airmail which is destined to be sent overseas.
Reality TV and Background Checks
Film and television production companies are mindful of public perception, and want to try everything they can to stop people appearing on TV who have a dubious past. If a production features someone who could potentially poses a risk to staff, the audience, or the public, it could seriously damage their reputation. Because of this, background checks and criminal records checks have become standard for people applying to star in a reality TV show.
Automated Police Screening System Under Development
The Home Secretary has proposed the development of an automated national Police vetting system that will perform continuous background checks on police officers in England and Wales. The government will ask the 42 police forces across England and Wales to work together to develop a system for automated vetting all serving police workers, both officers and civilian members of staff.
How Worried Should You Be About Fake References?
References can provide insights into a potential employee's integrity and character. Most job seekers are more than happy to provide the details of previous employers, or people who can vouch for their character, but there are some who go to the extreme of providing false references.