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How Long Does a Disclosure in Scotland Take to Complete?

Apply for a DBS Check

Background screening has become a standard part of the recruitment process in Scotland, but those requesting a disclosure for the first time may need clarification on the completion times. Several factors can affect the completion time of a disclosure, but there are some steps a business can take to speed up the process.


What Can Cause a Disclosure to Be Delayed?

There can be several reasons why a disclosure is delayed, but one of the most common is due to incorrect information. As such, when completing a request for a disclosure, businesses must ensure they’re double-checking the details given.

Another reason for delayed disclosures can be due to backlog. Although Disclosure Scotland aims to complete requests as soon as possible, busy periods mean the process can take longer. In most instances, disclosures are completed within 14 days, although fast-track options are available when using an agency.


Speeding Up the Processing Time for Disclosures in Scotland

Although there can be delays when processing disclosures, there are several steps a business can take to help speed up the process, in addition to clarifying the information given by job applicants.


Use an Online Portal

When requesting a disclosure, there are paper forms available. However, businesses aiming to obtain their disclosure as soon as possible should make a request online. Eliminating the waiting times regarding post means that companies can get results about applicants as quickly as possible and move on to the next step of the recruitment process.


Use a Professional Agency

In addition to using an online portal, outsourcing the role of obtaining disclosures to a professional agency can help a company obtain same-day results regarding background checks and enjoy faster processing of paper-based disclosures.

Human resource departments are often held up when waiting for disclosure results, but this doesn’t have to be the case when using a professional company.


Know When to Update Disclosures

In addition to pre-employment checks, there can be several other instances when a disclosure is needed. Those with PVG membership may need to undergo several background checks to ensure their membership remains intact.

The time between background checks can vary from business to business but will range between six months and two years. Companies often ascertain how often disclosures should be requested based on the level of risk in the industry.

For example, those working in an office or factory will not require the same frequency of disclosure renewals as those working with or caring for vulnerable adults and children.